Scinema Edutainment Club community create free asychronous online courses for every academic, teacher trainer, teacher, student and every other movie and science fan want to see the educational value of scinema scenes.

We incorporated the objects of Space by specifying movie thematology from “science” to “space” and we create “SpaceFlix” where “flix” meaning to be scenes from Space movies. There is an educational platform where we have courses in English so that anyone can join.

Of course, training, as also joining in community is free and furthermore, we can provide free

Moderator Licenses for every Teacher Training Institute wants to join our community and cooperate for local courses. If you want to run your local course feel free to contact at

Aim of this effort is the integration of space educational material to local curriculums and we hope to provide a free to use enchanting tool for this.

If you want to join for free follow the link bellow.

Online Scinema Course

If you want to see an example of our training course please visit the above link, sign up and select english preview version of our course.